

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Lindsey Kurmis

The 2021-2022 school year is Lindsey's 9th year in education. She previously is from Indiana, a small town outside of Chicago.  Lindsey and her husband, Rupert, made the decicision to move to Texas in 2016. They needed more sunshine and less snow in their lives! Lindsey and her husband have a daughter, Adaline. In Indiana, Lindsey taught middle school grades 6-8 Special Education, Life Skills for four years. Lindsey started at Boerne Middle School North in 2016.  She was  behavior teacher from 2017-2020 school year. Lindsey taught special education behavior for three years before moving into being an ARD Faciltator for Boerne Middle North and Curington Elementary. 


Ways to contact Mrs. Kurmis: email is the best

School number- 830-357-4008
