Course Description

  • The goal of this course is to create a foundation for success in high school, future studies, and careers. The student investigates one or more careers within the 16 career clusters. Students research labor market information, job-seeking skills, and create documents required for employment. Students will also learn the foundations of financial literacy. The student investigates the professional skills needed for college and career success and how to create a college and career plan. The students will integrate academic skills and real-life events by investigating high school Career and Technical Education (CTE) clusters, graduation endorsements, and post-secondary options through self-assessment and planning linked to personal interests. This course is designed to guide students through the process of investigation using decision-making and problem-solving skills. TSIA2 testing will be implemented. College and Career Readiness students will acquire the knowledge needed for post-secondary success.

Parent Night Presentation

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Google Classroom

  • All class materials and assignments will be posted daily in Google Classroom. Once students join their respective Google Classrooms, parents will be invited to receive Google Classroom updates. It is highly recommended that parents accept the Google Classroom parent invitation in order to receive information on class assignments and materials. Google Classroom is accessible on a laptop/Chromebook, desktop, and/or a smartphone using the Google Classroom app.  

    Students are expected to check Google Classroom when absent for assignments and materials missed.  This allows them to complete assignments in a timely manner. Unit agendas will be posted so you know what was covered in class. Please e-mail me if you have any questions regarding Google Classroom and locating assignments and materials.