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Strategic Plan
Our Goals


Student Success
  • Maintain the yearly student retention rate for advanced courses and programs (such as Honors, OnRamps, Dual Credit, Advanced Placement, PTECH) and all aspects of being “College Ready” at 95%.
  • Increase the number of reported Completers with credentials by 10%, or 633 by Summer 2025.
  • Increase the % of K-1-2 students scoring at Benchmark or above on EOY Universal Screener for Reading and Math from 79% to 80%.
  • Use MTSS processes to increase the % of students who make academic growth in STAAR Reading and Math by 2% (Domain 2A Component Score).
  • Increase the level of STAAR Meets Performance levels from 71% to 73% and STAAR Masters Performance levels from 36% to 38% in all grade and subject areas. 
  • Maintain the UIL eligibility participation rate at 95% as determined by the 3rd grading cycle. 
  • Refine the district Grow Your Own initiative. By 2025 serve at least 5 current employees.
  • Develop and implement a recruitment and retention plan including attendance at job fairs in the state of Texas and implement local job fairs for auxiliary departments
  • Establish the top 5 reasons employees work and stay with the district.

  • By 2026, establish career pathways for teachers.

Fiscal Responsibility
  • Establish and maintain a 10-year capital replacement plan and allocate available funds from prior year budget surpluses over fund balance goals annually.
  • Review and evaluate various programs of the District and incorporate the results of those reviews in the budget process.
  • Meet or exceed the Average Daily Attendance % used to set the budget for 2024-25 school year.
  • Design a Family and Community Engagement framework. 
  • Design a System of Care framework.
  • Report 90% satisfaction rate with stakeholders.

HB3 Goals

  • Early Childhood Literacy: The percent of 3rd grade students that score meets grade level or above on STAAR Reading will increase from 71% to 73% by August 2025. 
  • Early Childhood Math: The percent of 3rd grade students that socre meets grade level or above on STAAR Math will increase from 70% to 72% by August 2025.
  • College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR):  The percentage of graduates that meet the criteria for CCMR will increase from 90% to 92% by August 2025.

The Boerne ISD Strategic Plan is a roadmap to fulfilling our mission and vision, grounded in our beliefs and core values. It guides our efforts as we work together to deliver upon our promise to engage, inspire and enrich our students and community.

For more information, download the complete PDF.