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Distinguished Alumni Association

The Boerne Independent School District Alumni page is a resource for those who graduated from one of our Boerne ISD high schools. This page is also where you can find the latest on our distinguished alumni program, Boerne's Best.

Distinguished Alumni Award


The Boerne Independent School District began honoring distinguished alumni of the district in January 2020. Every year, a group or "class" will be added to the distinguished alumni group known as "Boerne's Best"

Members of Boerne's Best are individuals who:

  • Graduated from Boerne ISD at least 10 years ago,
  • Have achievements which set them above and beyond the standard in their profession, or
  • Have achievements which set them above and beyond the standard in community service.

Boerne's Best nominees do not need to be a current Boerne resident to be eligible.

To nominate a deserving alumnus, use the link below to complete the official nomination form for Boerne's Best
nominate a deserving alumnus


Boerne's Best Board Members

  • Susan Elkins Adamek, Class of'63
  • Eddie Ashley, Former Principal of Champion High School
  • Kim Maytum Berny, Class of '92
  • Courtney Darter Bruce, Class of '98
  • Bret Bunker, Class of '92
  • Jane Collette, Class of '76
  • Janet Leidl D’Spain, Class of '64
  • Richard Herbst, Class of '72
  • Stan Leech, BISD Athletic Director
  • Tommy Mathews, Class of '78
  • Becky Vogt Minster, Class of '72
  • Gay Mitchell Polito, Class of '78
  • Dr. Tommy Price, Former BISD Superintendent of Schools

Thank you to our Boerne's Best Sponsor

Ford of Boerne


Boerne's Best Classes

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