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Debt Transparency

Boerne ISD believes in the importance of informing our stakeholders of the district’s financial stability and strength so that informed decisions may be made that directly impact the education of our students. The Business Department is responsible for preparing financial reports and debt information that promote transparency. Our department is committed to updating and maintaining this information online in a clear and relevant manner. In an effort to further increase debt obligation transparency, BISD will prepare a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for year-end June 30, 2021 to include 10-year historical debt information.

Debt Overview

Under the authority of Texas law, school districts issue bonds to finance major capital expenditures. Most commonly, bonds are issued to purchase land and construct and renovate school facilities. Bonds are also issued for equipping and the acquisition of school buildings, refinancing of property and the purchase of new school buses and portable buildings. Since Boerne ISD is considered a “Fast-Growth” district, increased student enrollment is a contributing factor to the issuance of the most recent Boerne ISD bonds.

By law, school districts are required to ask their local voters for permission to sell bonds.  A school board calls a bond election, and voters decide whether or not they want to authorize bonds (debt) for the identified needs.  If the voters approve the bond election, the school district then may raise the Interest & Sinking tax rate to repay the debt to the investors.

The District tax rate is made up of two parts. The Debt Service/Interest & Sinking rate is set each year to generate tax revenue to repay the bonded debt (principal and interest) over a defined period of time. The Maintenance & Operations/General Operating tax rate is used to pay for the day-to-day operations of the district.

Boerne ISD’s Tax Rates 2013 - 2022

Tax Rate


Boerne ISD's Historical Bond Election Information as of June 30, 2022

* Currently, Boerne ISD has no upcoming bond elections.


For more information about School District Bonds:

Debt Obligations

Note: The District has no revenue-supported debt obligations or lease-purchase or lease-revenue obligations.

Links and Other Information
