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Federal Programs Overview for Private Schools

Boerne ISD has a responsibility to contact all private schools within the district that might have students eligible to participate in Title I programs - i.e., students who live in  the attendance areas of Curington, Fabra, and Kendall Elementary Schools.  Boerne ISD also has a responsibility to contact private schools outside the district if there is reason to believe students who reside in those elementary school attendance areas are attending the private school even though it is outside the BISD attendance areas. 

If a private school has students it believes may be eligible for Title I services because they reside in one of the above-mentioned attendance area in Boerne ISD, those private school officials may contact the BISD Federal Programs Coordinator directly.  An informational video provided by Education Service Center, Region 20 is available in the link below. 

PNP 23-24 Initial Consultation Presentation

Boerne ISD continuously conducts consultation with eligible Private/Non-Profit schools.  If you are a private, non-profit school and would like more information about participating in Boerne ISD's federal programs, please contact Kadie Mitchell.