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Boerne ISD Leadership and Board of Trustees recognize the extraordinary achievements of students, staff, and faculty at monthly School Board Meetings. Anyone is welcome to submit a recommendation for commendations, but we ask that you keep in mind the following criteria when making your recommendation. Commendations are intended to recognize achievements demonstrating:
  • Extraordinary performance, above and beyond the Boerne ISD standard
  • Performance that surmounts significant personal challenges
  • Performance that clearly displays a passion for future academic innovation
  • An extraordinary act demonstrating a high standard of personal integrity and character
  • An act of courage or heroism

Any one of these criteria may qualify an individual for a commendation.

Commendation Process

In recognition of qualifying achievements, Staff or Students of Boerne ISD may be commended at the monthly school board meeting. Any staff member, parent, or community member may nominate a student, staff member or group for a commendation. To make a nomination, please refer to the Board Commendations Guidelines, then complete the Commendation Form via Word.doc or Electronically using the GoogleForms link. Please be sure to provide complete and thorough information on the achievement and consider including 1-3 photos of the achievement if possible. Once your application is complete, you may submit it via email or electronic form. Upon receipt, a member of the communications team will reach out to you confirming all details, including the status of the nomination and confirmation for your requested meeting date.


Due to the preparation involved, please ensure your submission is complete at least one month prior to the intended Board Meeting.
Please consider including 1-3 photos of the individual or group with your nomination form via submit google form
or by email: email bisd communications

Board Recognition Guidelines