Leave & Absences
The district offers paid and unpaid leaves of absence in times of personal need. Employees who expect to be absent for an extended period of more than three days should contact Human Resources.
Use of Leave
Employees must follow district and campus/department procedures to report or request leave. Any unapproved absences or absences beyond accumulated or available leave shall result in a deduction from the employee's pay.
Leave must be used in half-day increments. Earned comp time must be used before any available paid state or local leave.
State Personal Leave
State law entitles all school district employees who work their full workday calendar to five days of paid personal leave per year. If an employee separates from employment before his/her last duty day of the year or begins employment after the first duty day, state personal leave will be prorated based on the actual time employed.
Non-discretionary: Leave that allows for very little, if any, advance planning taken for personal or family illness, family emergency, a death in the family, or active duty military service.
Discretionary: Leave that can be scheduled in advance that requires supervisor approval at least three days in advance of the anticipated absence; the effect of the employee's absence on the educational program or campus/department operations, as well as the availability of substitutes, will be considered by the supervisor.
Local Leave
Employees are granted local leave days depending on the length of their workday calendar. Like state personal leave, if an employee separates from employment before his/her last duty day of the year or begins employment after the first duty day, local leave will be prorated based on the actual time employed.
Exchange Days
The Exchange Day Program provides eligible instructional employees (teachers, instructional coaches, librarians, counselors, specialists, therapeutic/evaluation staff, ARD facilitators, nurses, and specific Teaching & Learning staff) on 187-207 workday calendars with opportunities to pursue professional learning related to job assignments during non-contract periods in exchange for three paid workdays during the school year.
Time spent completing required compliance training may not be used toward Exchange Days.