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Bond 2016

Completed Bond Projects

Voters approved a $175 million bond proposition for the Boerne Independent School District Board on May 7, 2016. The measure passed by a margin of 3,485 to 1,262. Funds from the bond were used to build two new elementary campuses and the District's third middle school. In addition, the bond funded a broad range of improvements benefiting all campuses in the district.

Dr. Ferdinand L. Herff Elementary

Herff Elementary

This new elementary school prototype conforms to a steeply-sloping site. In order to traverse the school, a central rotunda feature incorporates a 170-foot long curved ramp, allowing the youngest students to reach the lower floor without using stairs.

Area: 102,651 SF
Cost: $26,759,898
Price S/F: $260.69/SF
Bid: 2017
Completed: 2019


Old Fabra Campus Conversion

Boerne ISD Administration Center
Boerne ISD converted an existing 1930’s era elementary school to a combination alternative school and central administration office for the entire district. The newly renovated facility included office spaces, data center, board meeting room, training centers with movable partitions, and a full service kitchen/cafeteria. The existing buildings were demolished down to the structure and rebuilt to transfer the function from teaching spaces to office spaces.

Area: 82,000 SF
Cost: $12,011,000
Price S/F: $147.47/SF
Completed: 2017

Boerne Academy

Van Raub Elementary

Van Raub Elementary

Van Raub's 800-student, 42-classroom campus opened in 2018. The two-story school is organized around a tiered courtyard that uses the site’s natural topography. “Learning neighborhoods” have an easy flow from interior rooms to collaborative hallway settings to the outdoors. Hallways include spaces with smart boards for active, team-based learning, as well as areas for quiet, reflective study. Outdoor areas with sinks are designed to encourage exploration into science and nature.

Area: 98635 SF
Cost: $24,194,168
Price S/F: $245.29/SF
Bid: 2016
Completed: 2018

Capt. Mark Tyler Voss Middle School

Voss Middle School

Voss Middle School serves grades 6-8 with a full complement of fine arts, CTE and athletic amenities. The library, which is in a central location adjacent to three classroom wings, offers access to a unique exterior courtyard. The outdoor space features tiered seating and a small platform that can be used as a stage. The 2-story facility was built on a greenfield site in one of the fastest growing communities in the district. It is the district’s third middle school. 

Area: 199,567 SF
Cost: $47,955,128
Price S/F: $240/SF
Bid: 2017
Completed: 2019


additional improvements

  • CHS Science and Ranch Classroom Additions
  • CHS Athletic Facilty Renovations
  • CHS Band Practice Field
  • BHS Science and General Classroom Additions
  • BHS Athletic Facility Renovations
  • BHS Band Practice Field
  • BHS Drainage and Landscape Work
  • BMSN, BMSS Renovations
  • Land Acquisition
  • Elementary Playground Renovation/ADA Compliance
  • New Buses and District Vehicles
  • Expanded Security and Access Control Systems
  • Upgraded Technology, Kitchen Equipment, HVAC, Roofing, Lighting Improvements

Oversight Committee Members

Dale Adams
Carlos Alexander
John Atchison
Justin Boerner
David Boggan
Ryan Coe
Jeremy Diller
Trish Douchette
Stephanie Fox
Kristen Gavito
Henry Gideon
Maritza Gonzalez-Cooper
Tish Grill
David Limon
Jim Martin
Michelle Murphy
Gay Polito
Ernie Pyles

Bond Construction Oversight Files