Capital Improvement Projects
Boerne ISD is blessed to be a part of a generous and giving community. Each month we are humbled to recognize and accept donations and in-kind services that enable our district to enhance and enrich learning opportunities on our campuses.
Whether it be any one of our very fine PTO's, or an anonymous donor, BISD is committed to being good stewards of the generous efforts shown by our community. To that end, we have developed a process and procedures to help with initiatives that could involve capital improvements associated with our public school facilities. This is primarily a guide for our campus leaders as many "great" ideas emanate at the campus level or from Campus Improvement Plans. However, we felt that it was also important for our parents, PTO's, stakeholders, and taxpayers to become familiar with our procedures and to share ways in which an idea can become a reality. Please review our Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) Request Procedures for more information.
On occasion, campus and district officials receive requests from PTOs and other organizations to provide landscaping and campus beautification projects. Our Tree Planting and Landscaping Guidelines provide recommendations for such projects and material that are considered suitable for public school facilities (source Alamo Forest Partnership, SAWS, and CPS Energy).