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Boerne ISD Transportation Banner

About Boerne ISD Transportation

Boerne ISD provides daily transportation to approximately 4,000 students throughout our 359-square mile district. Our goal is to provide safe, caring, and efficient transportation in support of the district’s educational goals.

Transportation Guidelines

  • The student must live more than TWO MILES from the campus of regular attendance that services their home of residence as measured by the shortest route that may be traveled on public roads from the student's home to school.
  • The student must reside in the district and in the attendance area of the school they attend. If a student does not attend the school in their attendance area, bus transportation is not provided.
  • Bus stops are determined by the environment and age of students. The Transportation Department staff attempts to place every bus stop at a location with reasonable safety assurances for students.
  • Parents must assume responsibility for their students traveling back and forth from home to the bus stop.
  • Students are expected to be at the bus stop five minutes before the scheduled bus arrival time.
  • Pre-K, Kindergarten, and First Grade students must have a parent/guardian at the bus stop to be released from the bus.