If we help assist one child that is scared or alone – that’s a success for us! We want every child to feel safe and secure in our schools and in our community.
Once someone scans the QR code you will go to our See Something, Say Something form – fill that out and BISD personnel and/or a first responder will be in route to help the child that is in need.
We are sharing the information in the Back-to-School Newsletter with parents, teachers will learn about the program in their faculty meetings, and students will learn about the program with their homeroom or advisory teacher.
We reached out to Boerne ISD students as our focus group to help us choose the shape, color, and Boerne ISD logo to add on the sticker. One of the focus group participants mentioned how safe they feel at school so it was important to them to see our Boerne ISD logo on the sticker.
We intentionally have a one year agreement, because the location might change owners, close, or merge with another company we want to make sure every business owner is well-aware of our program.