Engage. Inspire. Enrich.
School Health Advisory Council
Our Vision
All Boerne Independent School District students will reach their full personal, physical, psychological, and academic potential to become productive and involved members of the community.
Our Mission
The mission of the Boerne Independent School District School Health Advisory Council is to advocate health and wellness throughout the Boerne ISD community. We will strive to ensure that all school-age children have healthy bodies and minds through sequential health education, appropriate health practices, and modeling of positive health behaviors.
Our Goal
The goal of the Boerne ISD School Health Advisory Council is to advise and actively communicate to Boerne ISD decision-makers regarding student and staff needs and education related to health knowledge and skills, policies and procedures that impact student and staff health, and the health of the school environment.
What is a SHAC?
A SHAC (School Health Advisory Council) is a school board appointed advisory group of individuals who represent different segments of the community. Texas law requires that the majority of the members must be parents who are not employed by the school district. The Boerne ISD SHAC is made up of parents, community members, school staff, and students working together to improve the health and wellness of students through Coordinated School Health programs . SHACs provide recommendations specific to changes and/or additions to the school's health education curriculum or instruction that impact the entire school district.
What is included in a Coordinated School Health Program (CSHP)?
SHAC provides oversight for the following programs and services:
- Nutrition & Food Services
- Elementary Physical Education, Physical Activity and Health Education
- Secondary Classroom Health & Human Sexuality Instruction
- Faculty/Staff Wellness
- Safe and Healthy Schools
How can I help?
Become knowledgeable about district efforts to create a healthy learning environment. Join the SHAC committee.
Campus-level SHAC/Wellness Committee:
The Boerne ISD SHAC encourages each school campus to form a mini-SHAC or Wellness Team to address school health issues at the campus level. Membership may include parents, students, a school administrator, PE instructor, teachers, food service manager, the school nurse, and counselors.
District SHAC Liaison:
Read the Boerne ISD Wellness Policy and work with your school's PTO and principal to help implement the policy. Attend SHAC meetings.
District SHAC Liaison:
Read the Boerne ISD Wellness Policy and work with your school's PTO and principal to help implement the policy. Attend SHAC meetings.
Important Information
SHAC Meeting Dates
- Tuesday, October 1, 2024
- Tuesday, December 8, 2024
- Minutes
- Tuesday, February 11, 2025
- Tuesday, April 8, 2025
All meetings are held in the Boerne ISD Board Room from
4:30 - 5:30 PM.