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SAM'S Kids

Sam's Kids

About SAM'S Kids

The SAM'S Kids Student Foundation is an organization that works in partnership with the Boerne Independent School District to provide needed encouragement and tools for students to ensure their success in school. SAM'S Kids was founded in 2002 by past BHS principal Sam Champion. SAM'S Kids is a non-profit organization that supports vulnerable and at-risk students. It is our goal to ensure that every child has the opportunity to reach their maximum potential, to enjoy school, and attain high school graduation. We help a student be successful by insuring that the student has the tools he/she needs. These include athletics and fine arts supplies. Our focus is supporting students who are at-risk or economically disadvantaged.

Contact Us

Janet D'Spain

SAM'S Kids Student Foundation Liason
call ms. d'spain
email ms. d'spain