Student success is the heartbeat of Boerne ISD and it is for that reason we are proud to assist students in locating the best scholarships to further their achievements. We want to help ensure graduating seniors continue their path to success, even after they leave the district.
In addition, Boerne ISD partners with businesses, local organizations and individuals to support students through other unique scholarship opportunities.
Scholarships by Due Date
Apply for up to $20,000 in scholarships to attend the two- or four-year college, trade school or graduate school of your choice.
The recipient of the 2025 CTE Scholarship will have demonstrated a commitment to continuing education in pursuit of a degree or certification in a vocational or technical field. The GVTC Foundation's goal in offering these scholarships is to enable members of our community to reach their career goals and continue to grow the skilled workforce where we work and live.
Recipients of the 2025 Ola Armstrong Scholarship are those that exemplify characteristics of community involvement by volunteering in the communities in which they live.
Recipients of the Ritchie T. Sorrells Scholarship are those that exemplify leadership qualities and hold a leadership position in their current school, community organization, club or committee.
$5,000 Scholarship to be awarded to a student at Boerne High and Champion High.
The Rotary Club of Fair Oaks Ranch will award several scholarships for graduating high school students enrolled in the Career and Technical Program in Boerne ISD who are planning to pursue post secondary education.
We are proud to continue our annual scholarship opportunities to qualified applicants through The William Creston Hill Foundation. Scholarships will vary with a minimum of $1,000.
Sue Whitworth Memorial Scholarship will be awarding one or two scholarships to graduating seniors in Kendall County. The main requirement for the awarding of these scholarships is that the applicant must plan to major in a field of agriculture. Financial need and extracurricular activities in the area of agriculture are also taken into consideration.
The Carlson Law Firm will give away two $2,500 scholarships to seniors enrolled in a Texas high school. The submission period opens on January 13 and closes on Thursday, April 17, at 5 p.m. Winners will be notified by email on April 22.
The San Antonio Cactus and Xerophyte Society (SACXS) Scholarship(s) will be awarded to the high school senior(s) and/or current college student(s) who best meet the requirements set forth by the Scholarship Committee.
The San Antonio Cactus and Xerophyte Society (SACXS) Scholarship(s) will be awarded to the high school senior(s) and/or current college student(s) who best meet the requirements set forth by the Scholarship Committee.
We will be awarding an annual college scholarship to an individual that best demonstrates to us why "Aging Matters" to them. The Aging Matters Scholarship awards $1500 to be applied towards tuition, books, board, and other expenses.
Resources & Tools
Cafe College
A list of scholarships by category + additional resources to help figure out expenses related to post-secondary eduation.
College Greenlight
Free resources for community & school-based advisers.
Colleges That Give the Best Scholarships (Publication)
This publication lists scholarships by public colleges, private national universities, and small liberal arts colleges.
Convert GPA to a 4.0 Scale
The College Board's conversion chart is a user-friendly tool.
Easily find college scholarships that fit you. Fastweb is a free scholarship search platform that connects students to scholarships and financial aid tools.
Scholarship Guidance
Free scholarship database is used by high schools and post-secondary schools across the nation.
Texas Scholarships
Website with a roundup of the best Texas scholarships offered by both private organizations and universities, as well as some great state-based financial aid resources.