Gr 6-8 Student & Parent Resources
Site |
Grade-Levels / Courses |
Description |
For Use by Students (S), Parents (P), and Teachers (T) |
TEA Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) |
PreK-12 |
Texas Education Agency (TEA) posts learning standards for Pre-K through Advanced Mathematics courses. |
S, P, T |
Gr 3-8 & Algebra I |
TEA posts the released STAAR exams with answer keys from prior administrations. |
S, P, T |
K-PreCalc |
BISD follows the TEKS Resource System (Curriculum) which defines the what and when of teaching and learning. Parents access using Guest login. A watermark will display across the various pages. |
P, T |
K-8 |
"Math4Texas was developed to help parents understand the content and conceptual changes of the Math Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS) and their impact on students’ everyday learning and thinking." |
P, T |
K-12 |
Free online video tutorials and practice for students which spans from Counting to Calculus. A test prep for SAT, which can also be used for preparing for the PSAT, is available for free. A free early learning APP is available. |
S, P, T |
Gr 6-8 |
Free online lessons, practice, and activities aligned to CCSS not TEKS. Note: mathematics (e.g., solving a one-variable equation) remains the same process across all states. |
S, P, T |
Gr 3-8, Alg I, Geom, Alg 2, College Alg, PreCalc, Calculus |
Free online calculators (four function, scientific, and graphing) for students and teachers. Site includes interactive activities. |
S, T |
Gr 6-8 |
Free family and student math challenges, in English and Spanish. |
S, P, T |
Gr 6-8, Alg I, Geometry |
Free video tutorials by topic are available. Site include free SAT and ACT prep. |
S, P |