Engage. Inspire. Enrich.
Multilingual Programs
Multilingual Programs at Boerne ISD
The Multilingual Programs put into action the Boerne ISD belief that the linguistic and cultural richness of our students is a resource that should be recognized and developed.
Boerne ISD schools will be inclusive communities that celebrate all languages and cultures, where exemplary multilingual instructional programs provide high-quality teaching and learning so that all students excel, and graduate prepared for active engagement in a global, multicultural society.
The mission of Boerne ISD Multilingual Programs is to promote academic excellence by meeting the affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs of multilingual learners.
What We Do
Our Multilingual Programs advocate K-5 Dual Language Two-Way Immersion, 1st-5th Spanish Immersion, K-12 English as a Second Language (ESL), and 6-12 World Languages initiatives, enriching multilingual learning across the district. Collaborating with various district departments, we enhance curriculum and instructional strategies in classrooms.
About Our Students
Of the district's nearly 11,000 students, more than 800 are Emergent Bilingual. Nearly 489 are in our elementary schools, 159 are in our middle schools and almost 150 are in high school. More than 27 languages are spoken throughout the district.