Summer Reading
Summer Reading Assignment for Middle School
Summer Reading Assignment for Rising 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade will be posted April 21st, 2025
Summer Reading Assignment for High School
Summer Reading Assignment for Honors, AP, and DC Courses will be available after April 21st, 2025.
Reading is not solely reserved for the classroom or school year; lifelong learning stems from becoming a lifelong reader. Students need time to enjoy uninterrupted reading allowing them to absorb and contemplate ideas from their reading experiences. Independent reading gives students a strong foundation to build upon as they move through the English Language Arts program. Independent reading during school breaks is important for students to continue to hone their literacy skills.
Below are some additional suggestions from various resources such as the Texas Education Agency, Texas Library Association, and the International Literacy Association.
Parents should work with their children to choose appropriate books. This resource from Scholastic can help parents with selecting books that are just right for their children:
Due to the accelerated nature of Honors, Dual Credit (DC), and Advanced Placement (AP) courses, summer reading assignments are required. Students are responsible for checking with their campus administration to verify summer reading assignments. For students enrolled in Dual Credit with Angelo State University, please check your ASU email often and thoroughly read the course syllabus.
Note: All Boerne ISD Middle and High School campuses have common summer reading assignments.