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AP Physics Lab 2
Properties of Matter-Bird's Nest
Food Web Lesson
Exploring Energy
AP Physics Lab
Properties of Matter
Physics Data Analysis
Airplane Forces Lab
Aquatic Science
5th Grade Science-Shadow
Properties of Matter-Bird's Nest
5th Grade Force and Motion Carnival
Sheep Heart Dissection
Body Systems Hospital Rotations
Elementary Science Mill Summer Camp
VR Periodic Table Tour
Science PD
Virtual Space Exploration CES
Science Mill Lab
Science Mill BattleBots
Science Mill Create Your Own Slime Lab
VR Rollecoaster Forces Lesson
October PD
Cardboard Boats
In Yellowstone
Activity at BMSS
Birds at FES
Microscopy Lab
CHS Outside
Dino Footprints at CES
Activity at BMSS 2
Lunch Harney Peak
With Sister School at HCSM
Transect in SD

Science Mission Statement

The BISD Science department is devoted to improving student achievement in the science discipline by creating interactive and engaging learning experiences that resemble the work of scientists in the field. As science educators, we strive to promote critical thinking and scientific inquiry through TEKS-based instruction, inquiry-based laboratory investigations, and the real-life application of content, all of which contribute to the development of our students into educated future professionals and contributing members of their community.


LeAnne Gisler

K-12 Science Coordinator

email leanne gisler