Fine Arts
Boerne ISD Fine Arts Mission
To promote and support fine arts education and educators through collaboration, innovative curricula, and the sharing of best practices so that every child in Boerne ISD is assured of receiving quality instruction in the understanding, appreciation, and performance of the arts.
Monitor and evaluate areas of the district Performing and Fine Arts program to determine the extent to which district goals and priorities are met and encourage program improvement. Our fine arts courses offer many benefits that are indispensable and integral components of a balanced curriculum/whole child approach in BISD.
Provide leadership to campuses in the area of performing and fine arts. Assign, schedule and administer the elementary and secondary district-wide program of group and individual instruction in instrumental, choral music, dance, theatre and visual arts. We believe that all students deserve a well-balanced education which includes quality fine arts instruction in all our schools that is healthy, safe, engaged, supported, and challenging.
Boerne ISD Fine Arts Currently maintain the following programs:
- Elementary Art K-5
- Secondary Art 6-12
- Band 6-12
- Choir 6-12
- Dance & Drill Team 9-12
- Elementary General Music K-5
- Orchestra 6-12
- Theatre 6-12
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