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Digital Learning


Contact Us

Chelsey Madsen, Ed.D.

Digital Learning Coordinator

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email dr. madsen

Kelsie Adams, B.S.

Secondary Digital Learning Specialist

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email mrs. adams

Jamie Cook, M.A.

Elementary Digital Learning Specialist

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email mrs. cook

Digital Learning Overview


The Boerne ISD Digital Learning Team partners with educators and other stakeholders to create innovative and engaging instruction by leveraging technology and prioritizing the development of educators' skills for effective technology integration. This focus is crucial, as empowered educators drive student success by creating dynamic, personalized learning experiences that promote critical thinking, digital literacy, and engagement.


The Boerne ISD Digital Learning Team bridges the gap between educators and instructional technology, fostering innovative and engaging learning experiences that equip students for the digital future.

What is Digital Learning?

Digital learning is the use of technology to facilitate and enhance the educational experience. It goes beyond simply using computers in the classroom and focuses on:

  • Instruction: Digital learning is instruction-focused, meaning technology is used to support and improve the teaching and learning process, not replace it.
  • 21st-century skills: It emphasizes developing critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and problem-solving skills - the hallmarks of 21st-century skills - needed to thrive in today's world.
  • Purposeful technology use: Digital learning is not about using technology for technology's sake. It emphasizes purposeful technology use, where the technology is carefully chosen to enhance or extend the learning outcomes. The goal is to move students from passively consuming information (consumers) to actively creating and sharing it (producers), fostering future-ready skills. Frameworks like the Digital Transformation Rubric, ISTE Standards, SAMR model, and Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) can be used to guide the selection and integration of technology for this purpose.
  • Infrastructure and Instruction: Effective digital learning requires both infrastructure (reliable technology, internet access, devices) and strong instruction. Having the latest technology doesn't guarantee success; teachers need the knowledge and skills to effectively integrate it into their teaching practices.

In essence, digital learning is about using technology strategically to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment that empowers students to become active participants in their own learning journey.

Our Core Beliefs

  • Collaboration between educators, students, and stakeholders paves the way for digital learning to empower student learning.
  • Technology should be used strategically to enhance or extend learning and enrich existing curriculum, not replace it.
  • Technology should be used to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills needed in the digital age. 
  • Purposeful use of technology creates a student-centered learning environment that empowers students to actively shape their learning journey, fostering curiosity, ownership, and lifelong exploration. 
  • We believe that digital learning is a continuous journey for all. We foster a culture of exploration, experimentation, and continuous skill development, embracing new technologies and approaches to improve digital learning strategies.

Digital Learning Support Model

The Team

The Digital Learning Team takes a focused approach, featuring a Digital Learning Coordinator alongside dedicated Elementary and Secondary Digital Learning Specialists. Each specialist brings deep expertise in their respective age groups, allowing them to provide targeted support tailored to the unique needs of both teachers and students. Ultimately, this targeted expertise empowers our teachers, elevates student learning, and fosters a culture of digital innovation within our school community.

Comprehensive Support System

The Digital Learning Team serves as a comprehensive support system, fostering effective technology integration across the entire school community.


Digital Learning Team supports teachers, staff, students, and administration by providing campus-based and district-level training to facilitate the effective use of technology in the classroom, and by providing staff with current digital learning resources to be integrated into their daily lessons.

Collaboration with Key Stakeholders

Effective digital learning requires a collaborative effort among various stakeholders. Each group plays a crucial role in the successful implementation and integration of technology into the educational process. By fostering strong collaboration among all stakeholders, we can create a supportive environment for digital learning, empowering teachers, engaging students, and achieving improved educational outcomes.

Flexible Professional Learning

The Digital Learning Team offers a variety of professional learning opportunities, including instructional videos, face-to-face training, and self-paced modules. This flexibility allows educators to access learning at their own pace. The learning opportunities foster the adoption of innovative teaching strategies using digital tools and resources.