Technology Grant Guidelines
Submitting Grants for Technology Hardware
We are excited that you are including technology hardware in your grant request! Follow the steps below to ensure that the hardware you request meets District standards and will work best once you receive the winning grant!
Before you get started on the application for Technology BEF GRANTS requests, please be aware that these items will not be funded:
Chromebooks, laptops, standard classroom furniture (non-TEKS), devices that require wireless-only connectivity, software/subscriptions that compromise BISD safety and security, food, hotels, salaries, afterschool programs/clubs, or anything else that is not specifically for academic purposes.
STEP 1: Collaborate with your campus team to determine which technology hardware would best be implemented to showcase fun and collaborative learning in the classroom.
Please be aware that obtaining a quote from us does not guarantee automatic approval of your grant. It is to help with the approval process.
STEP 2: Once you have decided on the technology hardware request, do not forget to include the total cost of the equipment on your application. To get current pricing, visit our NEW Technology Hardware website! Click on the link to the left for "Current Technology Quotes."
Note: Price changes on hardware happen frequently. If your grant is awarded, you must contact the Technology Department for current pricing.
STEP 3: We can get custom quotes from our vendors if your technology hardware request is not available. Please contact us at least two weeks before your grant is due to give us time to get a vendor quote. Remember this is a busy purchasing season and we want to make sure we have time to get everyone's requests in.
We wish you the best of luck with your grant!