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Technology Quote Support for Staff

Below you will find different clickable tabs of the Approved Technology Equipment by type. If you do not see an item listed under its type, please reach out to the Technology Department. All technology purchases must be vetted through Technology and Purchase Orders must be created by the Technology Department. This is because most items will be asset-tagged and can require prior setup before delivery.

BISD Approved Technology Items

Technology Procurement Process

If the item you are looking for is not listed, please contact the Technology Department for assistance.

After receiving your quote from the Technology Department, please proceed with the following steps:

STEP 1: Prepare a request with the items you would like to purchase.  view Example Here

  • Vendor
  • Item part number
  • Item description
  • Who is it for
  • Price for Each item
  • Quantity
  • Total Cost

STEP 2: In addition to the above information, also include the budget code and the location for the equipment in your building. (Your Bookkeeper/Purchasing coordinator should be able to assist you with the budget code if you don't know it.)

STEP 3: Scan and email your requisition form with the attached quote to Jeremiah.

*If you are looking into requesting Instructional Materials/ Programs (Flocabulary, Spelling City, MobyMax, etc.) please contact Teaching & Learning and visit this page for instructions: Software application approval process