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BISD Sports Leadership Council Learns from Character Coach


A group of athletes from Boerne High School and Champion High School met at the BISD Training Center last week to participate in the "Two Words Character Development" program.

The students apply to be in the Leadership Council and represent a group of athletes from every sport in the district.

They listened intently as Two Words creator, Stephen Mackay, helped explain the reason for the program. "Specifically, we're seeking to help athletes connect the dots between sports and life," Mackay said.

The idea is to take the things they learn on the field and apply them to their everyday life.

"There is a way we can teach them these skill sets that will help them win on the field and beyond," said Mackey. "We equip coaches to do that and then encourage students in that process through our curriculum and through live events like this today."

This training is taught to coaches in the district who can help remind players about the lessons they learned when they're in the classroom. It's also sent to parents so they can incorporate it into lessons at home. Group

"Across the district, in every athletic period from 7th-12th grade each week they watch a seven to ten-minute video, and in that video, I communicate and share the character trait of the week, define it, and describe it in two words," he said. And that is also how the training got its name.

"The sport becomes the thing that draws them in, but the output becomes that they become better men and women," said Mackey.

District coaches and the Athletic Director, Coach Stan Leech, believe this is a worthy lesson for student leaders on and off the field.