VR Distance Learning
  • Distance/Remote Learning

    Prior to the granting of attendance waivers by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) the district is required to make available to our students “continuity of learning” through distance/remote learning opportunities.  This is the first time the state has required school districts to continue instruction during closure events.  We, like many other school districts, are working around the clock to provide students distant or remote learning.  Information will be made available to you and your students about materials, resources, and mandatory student participation on Wed. March 18. 

  • Boerne ISD Learning at Home

  • If your child does not have access to technology or the internet from home, please contact your Principal. 

    Si su hijo no tiene acceso a la tecnología o al Internet desde su casa, por favor contacte al director de su escuela.  

  • Please see the message below from Annie Seiter, Director of Special Education:

    BISD staff is working to meet the needs of all students who receive special program services. If you have specific concerns regarding your child’s 504 or IEP accommodations/modifications at this time, please reach out to your campus 504 coordinator or Special Education case manager.  Staff will be available via email to answer any questions and help support students. We appreciate your patience and flexibility in meeting your student’s needs through the distance/remote learning format.