Board of Trustees
The Boerne ISD Board of Trustees consists of seven members elected by the public to serve overlapping three-year terms. Elections are held annually in May. Although candidates run for specific places, they do not represent specific geographical areas. Rather, each represents Boerne ISD as a whole. Following the annual election, the Board elects officers (president, vice-president and secretary) to serve one-year terms.
"Our community will engage students and adults in a challenging educational environment that inspires creativity and enriches lives for today's realities and tomorrow's possibilities."
-- Boerne ISD Vision Statement, adopted by the Board of Trustees, 2013
Board Resources
Election Information
Campaign Finance Reports
Election Results
Kendall County Elections
Please Note: Please realize that your e-mail and any subsequent responses from the Board are subject to the Public Information Act and therefore may be disclosed to others. Furthermore, the Board must refrain from responding to individual e-mail messages if the response might cause a quorum of the members to deliberate or discuss the contents of your e-mail or their individual responses to it. Finally, if your e-mail suggests a course of action related to personnel or finances, a board member may be forced to recuse themselves from any formal appeals directed to Trustees.
In accordance with Board policy, complaints and questions should be directed to the lowest level possible - and resolved informally. If the situation can't be resolved informally, you may consider a formal appeal (again beginning with the lowest level) through initiation of district complaint procedures. Some public and private business cannot legally be acted upon if these administrative procedures are not exhausted. You may contact the BISD superintendent's office (830-357-2010) for policy and information on that process.