Phone: (830) 357-4131 (Other PK Room 830-357-4128)


Degrees and Certifications:

BA English EC-12 Special Education EC-4th General Education ESL

Mrs. Sarah Wilson

Mrs. Sarah Wilson is excited to begin her fourth year teaching for BISD at Van Raub Elementary. She is one of the Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) / Pre-Kindergarten (PK) / ECC (Staff child care) teachers at VRES and has 20 years in education, with 13 years of experience teaching ECSE (formerly PPCD) in Texas. Mrs. Wilson is a graduate of Texas State University in San Marcos. She is married and has one daughter who will attend 8th grade in BISD this year. Her family moved back to the hill country four years ago after living in the Rio Grande Valley for four years. Mrs. Wilson is an avid reader and enjoys traveling. She loves playing games and is looking forward to continuing to sponsor the VRES Game Club for a third year! Mrs. Wilson is very excited to meet and connect with her new and returning students and their families!

  • Let's Talk! I can be reached by several methods:

    SeeSaw (app) is the easiest method for communication and messages will be answered the same day whenever possible, but no later than 24 hours after being received.

    Email is also an easy method, and emails will be answered the same day whenever possible, but no later than 24 hours after being received.

    Phone conferences and in-person conferences can be requested via email, voicemail, or a note in your child's folder and will be scheduled during after school hours or during my conference time, as soon as possible.

    Phone calls received during instructional hours (7:35-3:00) will be sent to voicemail, but will be responded to on the same day or within 24 hours.

    I am excited to get to know your child and your families this year!

  • Who attends the ECSE/PK/ECC Program?

    Our early childhood program consists of ECC, Pre-K, and ECSE students, who are all pre-school aged (3-5 years old).

    ECC students are BISD employee's children who are enrolled in daycare (3-5).

    Pre-K students are children who are four years old on/before Sept 1st and qualify for Pre-Kindergarten via state qualifiers.

    ECSE students are children who have qualified for Early Childhood Special Education services and have been placed in the program via ARD decision (3-5).

BISD Calendar 24-25
  • School Hours 7:35-3:00

    Tardy Bell Rings at 7:35

    ECC Hours (Staff Childcare): 7:00 am - 5:00 pm, open all teacher work days and regular student school days.

    Teacher Conference 12:15-1:05 pm

    Daily Schedule

    Arrival--in the cafeteria (7:00 for students eating breakfast; 7:15-7:25 for all other students)

    Morning Meeting

    Choice Time

    Outdoor Learning

    Snack / Read Aloud

    Small Group Instruction / Motor Lab

    Lunch 10:55-11:25

    Read Aloud

    Rest Time 12:00-1:00 pm


    Heggerty Phonics Instruction

    Outdoor Learning

    Closing Circle

    Dismissal 3:00

    ECC Activities 3:00-5:00

BISD Early Childhood Supply List