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Boerne MS North's Beshea Named Region 20 Outstanding Assistant Principal of the Year

AP of the YearAugust 12, 2021- The Boerne Independent School District is proud to announce that Boerne Middle School North Assistant Principal Zach Beshea has been selected as the Region 20 Outstanding Assistant Principal of the Year by the Texas Association of Secondary School Principals. 

“Boerne ISD is blessed with strong leaders across our district, including Zach Beshea. We are extremely proud that he has been selected as Assistant Principal of the Year for our region,” Boerne ISD Superintendent Dr. Thomas Price said. “He has built outstanding relationships with our students, parents, and staff, and goes above and beyond to serve them. Zach’s positive personality and strong work ethic, as well as his innovative thinking, are key components of his leadership skills,” Price said.

Mr. Beshea, a six-year assistant principal, has been a member of the leadership team at BMSN since 2018. He attended Texas Lutheran University and earned a Math and Education degree.  He attended The University of Texas at Arlington and was awarded a Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies.

Mr. Beshea is credited with numerous achievements including being an educator and administrator in the very district he received his K-12 public school education.  

“We are happy for Zach and his family, and could not be prouder of him for earning this tremendous honor,” stated Price.

Nominations are based upon exemplary performance and outstanding leadership.  As a Region 20 winner, Mr. Beshea is eligible to compete for the state title of Texas Assistant Principal of the Year.

Each of the region winners will be recognized during the Josten’s Night of the Stars Awards Dinner held in conjunction with the TASSP Summer held each year in June in Austin.  Each will be presented with an award and recognized in a commemorative book entitled Texas Principals, Texas Heroes.