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New equipment for Legacy Campuses and Students

Keeping Our Schools Secure and Up-to-Date

This year's bond provided funding for several key technology upgrades designed to improve security and empower our students. Here's a closer look at two important projects:

Upgrading Front Office Desktops

Our commitment to cybersecurity is paramount. To ensure we meet the latest security standards, especially when handling student and staff data, we're upgrading desktops used by our front office staff (secretaries and receptionists) at our legacy campuses. This upgrade will not only enhance security but also provide improved performance and reliability.

In addition, we'll be removing outdated equipment that doesn't meet our cybersecurity standards. This includes devices that can't receive critical security updates or are running on unsupported operating systems. This proactive approach safeguards our schools from potential cyber threats.

Investing in New Tricasters for Student News Production

Tricasters are essential tools used by our student news teams at each campus. These devices allow students to create and stream news broadcasts by connecting cameras, lights, and computers. Many of our current Tricasters are reaching the end of their lifespan and have required frequent repairs. Additionally, they run on outdated operating systems, limiting functionality and security.

By investing in new Tricasters, we're providing our students with dependable equipment that offers faster performance, smoother operation, and enhanced security thanks to the latest Windows 10 operating system. This upgrade empowers our student news teams to create even more engaging and professional productions.