

Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Morgan Groff

Hello! My name is Morgan Groff and I am happy to be at Champion High School this year helping grow future educators!  This is my 8th year in education and I have a bachelors degree in Family & Consumer Science: Child and Family Studies from Tarleton State University. My husband and I are Bandera natives and we are raising our daughter Remington (Age 2) there.  I love being with family, crafting and fall weather.  Looking forward to an incredible year here at Champion High School!

  • Mrs. Groff's Schedule 

    1st Period: Teacher Prep 1 & 2

    2nd Period: Teacher Prep 1 & 2

    3rd Period: Conference

    4th Period: P.H.S

    5th Period: P.H.S

    6th Period: Conference

    1st Lunch

    7th Period: P.H.S

    8th Period: P.H.S